Tuesday 5 November 2013

DIY Room Storage

Hi everyone! A few weeks ago, i made these little storage pots for my room. I was getting the point where I couldn't stand having my pens and little bits all across my desk therefore I made these colourful pots that I just love. 

What you will need: 
Garden Flower Pots- Cleaned or new ones
Scrap Card
Pain Brush
Acrylic Paints

Step one: Draw round the pot onto some card so you have something for the inside of your pots because mine had little holes where things might of fallen through.

Step two: Cut out the card and place it inside the pot, it doesn't need to be very neat because you won't really see it

Step three: Do a thin layer of white pain over all your pots. My pots were black and brown so doing this just helped the colours stand out a bit more.

Step four: Start paining your pots with your chosen colours. The best method for this was to put a layer on and then leave it to dry. Then put another layer therefore the colours builds up without needing to wait hours for paint to dry.

Step five: After you finished painting with the number of layers that you want; also the paint is completely then you have got your finished pots. Fill them with whatever you want.

One of mine has got my pens and pencils that were just all over my table. Another has my highlighters in, this pot was a bit smaller and fatter therefore it was easier to get them out. Then the other one has just got my make-up in like mascara, eye liner, eye brow pencil, eye lash curlers and a nail file. The little bits that always seem to be harder to find when you are in a rush in the morning.

Hope this has helped you think of a new way to store your stuff. Really fun to make as well if you are just wanting to use your time more productive.

1 comment:

  1. so cute love little DIY projects

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    Carrieanne xx

