Wednesday 29 January 2014

What to do on rainy days?

Well if you live in the UK, you will understand when you say rainy days are literally most of the days. It's not like it's big heavy rain, it's just pity rain which never stops. Along with cold temperatures and horrible wind that doesn't help at all. Well here is a few ideas that I have for them rainy days!

1) Pamper days- If you have just got in after being in the rain or a bit stressful, then have a pamper day. Even have some of your friends round, get the mask tasks, classic chick flicks out, ice-cream and nail polishes out. Along with anything else you want and have a good pamper day to relax.

2) Read a book- Maybe have a good old tea (or any hot beverage that you prefer) with a book. This is a perfect way to spend your time and you won't realise how quick time goes by.

3) Have a clear- This is a great opportunity to have a clear out of your cupboards, wardrobe and get rid of anything that you don't need to have. Even have a big house clean while you are at it. 

4) Complete unfinished work- You may have school work, college work or even paperwork that you have tried to delay for some time. This is the time to get it all completed and done, since it's not the good weather to do anything outside and the rain is basically making you stay in and work.

5) Build a boat/raft- The rain never seems to stop and just wants to keep going. If you can't beat it, join it. Build a little boat or a raft maybe? That way, you can actually go outside and have some fun with this weather. 

6) Catch up on TV series or start a new one- You can start a new TV series and watch episodes back to back all day long. Currently, I can't stop watching Masterchef Australia (some reason, it's just 10 times better then the UK one) and may even start to watch Breaking bad. Yes, I haven't seen any of the episodes yet.

7) Have a baking/cooking day- Maybe you like to bake/cook or you may want to start. This is a nice way of spending the day as you have got something to eat at the end and that is always positive. However for me, whatever I make isn't normally eatable as it's burnt.

8) A little bit of online retail therapy- Well, since the weather isn't agreeing with shopping in person. Nothing better then a little bit of shopping online and getting it straight to your house. Nice way of shopping without getting all cold and wet. 

There is a few ideas of what to do when it's raining, hope it helps you spend your days a little bit more productive. Got any other ideas, let me know! I need to think of some new ways of spending my days with this classic British weather. 

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